Trained Resource Person
30 days Certificate Course
No. of Trained RP :460
4 days Certificate Course
No. of Trained RP : 9592

FY :
( 2022-2023 )
Total no. of Issue : 14293
Total ATR Uploaded : 7268

Social Audit Expert
District Social Auditor
Block Social Auditor
Village Resource Person
Welcome to OSSAAT
The Odisha Society for Social Audit Accountability and Transparency (OSSAAT) was constituted as a Society under the aegis of P.R. & D.W. Department, Govt. of Odisha. It is a registered society under Society Registration Act 1860 vide registration no- 23344/64 Dt.24.09.2011. The society is mandated to conduct effective and impartial social audit for developmental Schemes and programmes of both Govt. of India and State Government. In doing so the Independence, Impartiality and Quality of the Audit process are to be strengthened by OSSAAT which is functioning in the MGNREGS Society Building, at SIRD & PR Campus, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar. The Governing Body under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Odisha and Executive Committee under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary, P.R & D.W. Department with other members of different Government and Non-Government organizations framed the basic Rules and Regulations of the Society and policies for managing day-to-day affairs. The Society has framed "Finance Management and Accounts Manual" and "Human Resource Management Manual" to effectively carry out its Administrative and Financial Management in the most fiscal prudent manner in the society's Secretariat.